i am a weaver of fabric, language, and flesh. accessing the contentious, gendered histories of both textiles and body modification, my work is a tool to explore and understand my own identity as i move through an unwelcoming world in a queer and modified body. my queer body is an essential component to my work—neither the loom nor the tattoo needle can function without a body setting its rhythm. as research and language entangle themselves in my work, i am writing myself a place within a language of precision and binaries.

i challenge the colonial notions of respectability, absolutism, and dichotomy that have woven themselves into the very fibers of our cultural understanding of what makes us human. i have no need nor desire to hold onto un-traversable lines drawn between the masculine and the feminine, body and art, flesh and fabric, trauma and ecstasy, pain and love, creation and destruction, surgical sutures and decorative stitching. i invite you to step into my queer and transsexual world in which blood becomes language, skin becomes canvas, disgust becomes attraction, and pejoratives acquire new meanings. from the loose ends of an un-queer culture, i am weaving a language fit to express the experiences and desires of bodies like mine: marked, scarred, sewn, androgynous, malleable, and perpetually healing.


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